Cabin Ministries

Are you ready for the King to return?

Cabin Ministries

Are you ready for the King to return?

Recent surveys tell us that an average of 30% of people think that the world will end in their lifetime. These aren’t necessarily religious people, so what would give them such an idea?

Growing geo-political instability? Worldwide pandemics? Crazy ideologies? Climate change? Whatever the reason, people are looking for an explanation for the way things are going, and a confirmation that their fears are not unfounded.

Even if the truth is that bad times are coming, most would rather know this truth, than have the wool pulled over their eyes.

Cabin Ministries is a bible based teaching resource, with a focus on the end times, and how to live a life worthy of God, when times are hard.

We unashamedly believe that the bible is God’s word. We believe that the truth and light found in the bible can really be depended on to accurately predict the unfolding of end times.

Therefore our mission is to provide accessible material to help you understand the end times, based on books in the bible such as Daniel and other minor prophets, the gospels and letters, and finally the book of Revelation.

We acknowledge that end times prophecy is the source of much controversy for christians, so our approach will be to take the bible literally where possible, and when the text is not clear, to attempt to let the bible interpret itself.

We certainly will stay away from predicting dates, and we will not identify key figures like the antichrist, instead we aim to take the blinkers off so that all possible options are on the table for your consideration.

We also salute all the brave men and women who stood for their faith, many of whom gave their lives for it. We see a difference between what drove these revivalists of old, and what drives many of our modern churches. We therefore want to study the lives of these revivalists, and find out what might be missing in our own lives, as we stand at the precipice of the end times.

Finally, we know that the end times will be a time of great perplexity and distress, for Jesus said so. However, if we are alert to the times we live in, we surely will not be those for whom the day of the Lord will come like a thief.

Rather, we want to be like a ship, who has no other course of action but to sail through the storm. Those who know what is about to come, can take up their positions and together we will get to the other side with our faith intact.

Could it even be possible that, strong in prayer, and full of God’s word, that we even enjoy the journey? If you feel like you are swimming alone in the mountainous seas of the end times, climb onboard, and enjoy the journey with us!


10 Week Study Of The Book Of Revelation