Study of the Book of Revelation

We have put together a 10-week course, covering the whole book of Revelation. That’s just one evening a week. During that evening, we will show a 30 minute video, employing the latest, A, I, technology, to bring the story line to life. After the video we will provide opportunity for questions and discussion.

We will study what the bible says about the antichrist. It would be crazy to claim to identify the individual, but we can be informed by scripture, so that when he appears, we will not be unaware. Like the devil, he will appear as an angel of light.

Similarly, we will study the mark of the beast, and explain how this could unfold. We will also help to dispel unfounded rumours about what is, or isn’t, the mark.

We will look at all the judgement events of the seals, trumpets and bowls, and ask one big question. What is the point of all this wrath and punishment?

We will find out that in his anger, He does indeed remember mercy. The prodigal son named mankind, has got one last opportunity to fall to his knees, come to his senses, repent, and run home to his father.

We will also cover topics like the two witnesses, the third Jewish temple, and Babylon the harlot. You will find out that what sounds like a bizarre fantasy, is even now taking shape as we speed towards the final days.

Finally, we will look at the return of Jesus, and all that entails. We will explore the Millennial reign of Christ, and show that the baby once born to Mary, will return as King, and reign over Israel and the earth.

We will close the course with a whistle stop tour of the end times parables of Jesus. This will put the fear of God into you, in a good way.

We believe that a balanced view of the end times can only serve to cause revival in your life. Come and join us, and find out more.