A summary of the Millennium Reign of Christ

A brief summary of the Millennium reign of Christ. How do we know there must be a Millennium reign? Who will be present during the Millennium reign? What will Jesus do as King during this 1000 year period? We will tour the Bible, looking at scriptures that answer these questions.

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The Millennium.

The Millennium is one of the wildest concepts in the Bible. According to scripture, when Jesus returns at the end of the tribulation period, he’s going to take down the Antichrist and his armies, throw them into hell, lock up the devil, and then, it is almost too fantastic to believe, but Jesus will walk through the gates of Jerusalem, and be crowned as King of Israel, and begin an earthly reign that lasts a thousand years.

How can we be sure this is true? Isaiah 9 verse 7 say that, “The government will be on his shoulder … upon the throne of David and over his kingdom”. We know that Jesus has never ruled over Israel, so there must be a future fulfilment for this prophecy. Again in Luke 1 verse 32 the angel says to Mary, “He will reign over the house of Jacob”. This never happened when Jesus lived on earth 2000 years ago. Then we look at the book of Revelation chapter 20 verse 4, “The souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus, lived and reigned with Christ for 1000 years.

So, what’s the point of the Millennium? Humanity has been living without God’s leadership since the first sin. The Millennium will be a chance for us to experience life under a truly righteous government. It will be the most incredible, rewarding time ever. For those who have endured the horror of the Tribulation without losing faith, the Millennium will be a reward beyond words—life at its absolute best.

And who will be present to experience this period? Colossians 3 verse 4 tells us that the return of Jesus will be accompanied by all his saints. As explained already, martyrs will also be present. We know from Zechariah 14 that the remainder of the enemies of Israel will gather annually to celebrate in Israel. 1 Thessalonians 4 tells us that we who remain on earth shall meet him in the air, and then we shall always be with Him. If Jesus is returning to earth, that means the raptured saints also have to return with him. Finally, we know that a percentage of Jews flee to the desert when the Antichrist invades Israel, and they are looked after by God for 3 and a half years, which brings them to the cusp of the Millennium.

What’s King Jesus going to do during this time? The first thing Jesus does, is instruct an angel to throw the devil into a pit from where he can no longer influence people. Then Jesus will put an end to all wars and conflicts. Nations won’t even need armies anymore. He’ll bring justice to the poor, end all oppression, (see Psalm 72), and rule with love and compassion. But his rule will also be firm, especially for the proud and rebellious, (see Isaiah 16). With Jesus physically present and Satan out of the picture, long life, safety, and prosperity will be the norm, (see Isaiah 65). And if you think you’ve heard some powerful sermons before, just wait until Jesus himself teaches the Word of God to everyone who gathers in Israel.

If this all sounds exciting, you might be wondering why it has to end. Well, Satan will be released one last time to test the hearts of the nations before being condemned to hell for good. After that, a new heaven and new Earth will come into play, housing the Eternal City—the New Jerusalem—where we’ll be with the Father and the Son forever.