The Book of Revelation – Week 5 Gallery Antichrist breaks his peace treaty Antichrist speak bad words Astroid hitting earth Black horse of Revelation Bow from the Antichrist Bread days wages Dont touch the wine or the oil Famine in the world Fear or the world events Fire Great earthquake Green horse of Revelation Heart turn to God Holding firm Israel invasion Jesus and his elders Jesus coming back Jesus holding scroll Jesus holds the scroll Jesus says pick up your cross Kneeling down Luxury goods in Revelation Peave deal of the Antichrist People kneeling down to God Quater of the earth Red horse Rider on the White Horse Saints in Revelation Seals in the Revelation Seals Trumpets and Bowls Solve middle east crisis Timeline Bible Timeline Virus Watchout White horse rider was given a crown White horse Who is the white horse Wild beasts Antichrist rises to be a leader Poor people