Week 5. The Seal judgement events

Week 5. The Seal judgement events

Week 5. The Seal judgement events A half hour teaching on the seven seals that are opened in Revelation chapter 6, at the beginning of the Tribulation Period. How can we be sure who the rider on the white horse represents? Can the black horse details be taken...
Week 4. The Antichrist

Week 4. The Antichrist

Week 4. The Antichrist In this video we run through lots of the scriptures that describe the Antichrist, from Daniel to Paul’s letters, to the Book of Revelation. People have always taken pot shot guesses as to the identity of the Antichrist. This is not what...
Week 3. Revelation chapters 1 to 5

Week 3. Revelation chapters 1 to 5

Week 3. Revelation chapters 1 to 5 This video takes you through the throne room of God, the main warnings of the seven letters to the seven churches, and ends with the tension of the scene in chapter 5 where Jesus finally receives the scroll from the Father. Why is he...
Week 2. Interpreting the Book of Revelation

Week 2. Interpreting the Book of Revelation

Week 2. Interpreting the Book of Revelation Week 2 of our 10 week course. What is the best interpretation to take regarding End times? We present the interpretation that follows the text of the Bible, regarding the whole end times narrative, the rapture, and the...
Week 1. Why study the Book of Revelation?

Week 1. Why study the Book of Revelation?

Week 1. Why study the Book of Revelation? We present compelling reasons to study the Book of Revelation. Jesus likened those who were not aware of the end times to the generation of Noah, who continued to pursue life’s pleasures until the flood came and took...