An introduction to the Millennium Reign of Christ

A brief introduction to the Millennium Reign of Christ. An idea so fantastic that most cannot bring themselves to believe that this is a future reality. However when you take Scripture literally, it is evident that the Millennium period is going to dawn on Earth after the Tribulation Period. This will be the awesome reward for those who stand firm in their faith in tehe times to come.

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The Millennium

The Millennium is one of the wildest concepts in the Bible. Let’s start with the basics that most people, even non-believers, can get on board with. There was a baby born to Mary, who grew up challenging the religious leaders of his day and spent his life healing and helping the poor. Eventually, he was brutally crucified. Most atheists can agree on that much and even celebrate Christmas.

Christians take it a step further, believing that Jesus is the Son of God, and he rose from the dead. We believe his sacrifice covers our sins when we genuinely repent. We also believe he ascended to Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit to empower us in following him.

But here’s where it gets interesting. Who really believes that Jesus is coming back? Sure, most Christians have a general sense that he’ll return to rapture the church, but the details after that? A lot of people aren’t too sure. Do we just head off to Heaven and live happily ever after?

Not quite. That’s not what the Bible says. According to scripture, when Jesus returns, he’s going to take down the Antichrist and his armies, throw them into hell, lock up the devil so he can’t influence anyone, and then, Jesus will walk through the gates of Jerusalem, officially be crowned as King of Israel, and begin an earthly reign that lasts a thousand years.

During this time, Jesus will sit on David’s throne and rule over the house of Jacob, fulfilling what the angel Gabriel told Mary at the very start. Israel will thrive like never before, and all nations will benefit from Israel’s newfound prominence under Jesus’ rule.

So, what’s the point of the Millennium? Humanity has been messing things up since the Garden of Eden. The Millennium will be a chance for us to experience life under a truly righteous government. It’ll be the most incredible, rewarding time ever. For those who have endured the horror of the Tribulation without losing faith, the Millennium will be a reward beyond words—life at its absolute best.

What’s King Jesus going to do during this time? He’ll put an end to all wars and conflicts. Nations won’t even need armies anymore. He’ll bring justice to the poor, end all oppression, and rule with love and compassion. But his rule will also be firm, especially for the proud and rebellious. With Jesus physically present and Satan out of the picture, long life, safety, and prosperity will be the norm. And if you think you’ve heard some powerful sermons before, just wait until Jesus himself teaches the Word of God to everyone who gathers in Israel.

If this all sounds exciting, you might be wondering why it has to end. Well, Satan will be released one last time to test the hearts of the nations before being condemned to hell for good. After that, a new heaven and new Earth will come into play, housing the Eternal City—the New Jerusalem—where we’ll be with the Father and the Son forever.