Week 9. The Great Apostasy

Week 9. The Great Apostasy

Week 9. The Great Apostasy Jesus said “At that time, many will turn away from the faith, and betray and hate each other”…. “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of many will grow cold”. Does anyone realize that Jesus is talking...
Week 8. The War of Armageddon and The Millennium Period

Week 8. The War of Armageddon and The Millennium Period

Week 8. The War of Armageddon and The Millennium Period This half hour video covers chapter 19 and 20. Specifically we look at the return of Jesus to defeat the Antichrist and his armies, the two suppers of God, the MIllennium, the final rebellion and judgement day....
The Book of Revelation – Week 1 Gallery

The Book of Revelation – Week 1 Gallery

The Book of Revelation – Week 1 Gallery Be ready Bible deception Bible events Bible facts Bible Open Revelation Bible story line from Gensis Bible study Bright Morning Star Can we know Chaos in the world Chaos Clear Confusion Close to Jesus Comes like a thief in...
Week 7. The Bowls of Wrath and Babylon the Harlot

Week 7. The Bowls of Wrath and Babylon the Harlot

Week 7. The Bowls of Wrath and Babylon the Harlot This half hour video takes you from Revelation chapter 14 to 18. We will look at the amazing three preaching angels. Does the warning from the third angel against taking the mark indicate that the mark will be rolled...
The 2 Witnesses

The 2 Witnesses

The 2 Witnesses The two witnesses of Revelation chapter 11 are a real enigma. We are told that they minister for 1260 days, which is three and a half years in the Jewish calendar. Evidently this is the same period of the Antichrist’s reign, for they are...