The Antichrist

This short teaching gives a summary of what the Antichrist will achieve during his short reign on earth. There will be intense persecution of Jews and Christians. We will discuss the mark of the beast, and the ramifications of submitting it. Rather than try to identify a current figure, or a current system, we explain what the Bible says about the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, so that when they emerge, we will be confident in denying them, and standing our ground.

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The Antichrist.

People have all kinds of theories about who the Antichrist might be. Ideas range from political leaders to The Catholic Pope! But if you keep chasing after every new idea, you’re never going to figure it out. Let’s approach this differently.

Instead of guessing names, let’s focus on what the Bible says about this person and what he’ll do. That way, when he actually shows up, you won’t be stuck looking in the wrong direction.

The bible only mentions the actual word antichrist a few times in the whole book. But there are many other names for this same person, such as the 1st beast. the beast rising from the sea. the little horn. man of sin and man of lawlessness, to name a few.

In the Old Testament, Daniel tells us the Antichrist will be a dishonest ruler who’s going to make a seven-year peace treaty with Israel. This will likely coincide with the timing of the building of the third Jewish Temple.

Then halfway through the 7 years, he’ll change his mind, desecrate the temple, and take control of it.

In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, Paul says the Antichrist will be completely lawless, thinking he’s greater than God, and will show off with signs and miracles to prove his power.

1 John tells us that the Antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He’ll reject both the Father and the Son, denying that Jesus is the Son of God.

The book of Revelation adds that the Antichrist, who is called the 1st beast, will have backup. He is called the false prophet also known as the 2nd beast. He will call down fire from heaven, imitating the sign that Elijah used to prove he was God’s true prophet.

This false prophet will perform many other miracles, fooling many into believing the Antichrist is the real Messiah.

To take control of the world, the Antichrist, with the help of this false prophet, will roll out a mark, received on the head or the hand. You’ll need this mark to buy or sell.

Think of it as the next-gen replacement for debit cards. It is likely that this idea will be sold by banks as a solution for fraud, and for minimizing administration.

But the Bible gives a strong warning against taking this mark, which it calls the Mark of the Beast. It’s more than just a way to shop—it’s a sign of loyalty to the Antichrist. The Bible says those who take the Mark are sealing their fate in Hell.

Another sign to look out for, as described by Daniel and in the book of Revelation, is that the antichrist will form an empire made up of 10 nations. But he will invade and conquer three of them.

When the Antichrist shows up, we’re called to stand firm for Jesus, to serve God rather than money. We’re warned to fear God, who has the power over both body and soul, rather than fearing man, who can only harm the body.

The bible explains The Antichrist will be successful in everything he does and will persecute Jews and Christians.

It will be a time when many will depart from their faith. But Paul says this in Ephesians 6 verse 13.

So put on the armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.
