The Book Of Revelation in 12.5 mins

This short video introduces the complete content of the Book of Revelation. From the throne room to the seal judgement events, from the Antichrist to the False Prophet, from the trumpet judgement events to the bowl judgements, we cover everything in enough detail to paint an overall picture of the Tribulation Period, without drilling down into too much detail. We spend some time identifying the infamous character of the Antichrist, we also look at Mystery Babylon, and how this city relates to the Antichrist. We cover the third Jewish temple, the two witnesses, and finally the return of Jesus and His Millennial reign. To conclude, we emphasize that this knowledge is of no use unless we become a people of prayer and revival. Put on the full armour of God, that you may be able to stand in the evil day.

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The Book Of Revelation, in Less Than 12.5 minutes

The Book of Revelation presents a vision experienced by the Apostle John during his time on the island of Patmos.

It begins with John receiving instructions from Jesus Christ to write letters of warning.

The 7 letters are addressed to the newly started seven churches, in Asia Minor.

Following this, John is granted the extraordinary privilege of witnessing the throne room of Heaven.

In the throne room, John sees the Father holding a scroll in his right hand. An angel cries. “who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”

John weeps as no one is found worthy.

But then John sees the Lion of the tribe of Judah, also described as a slain lamb, arise to take the scroll from the Father’s hand.

This is significant because the one worthy to release the seal judgements is not only a warrior, but also a vehicle of mercy.

The seal judgements will not only bring death, but also mercy, as many will repent in the face of these events.

When Jesus opens the seven seals, there are a series of cataclysmic events on Earth.

It begins with the rise of the Antichrist, as the white horse seal, also known as the 1st beast.

This leads to widespread war, social collapse, economic devastation, famine, and disease.

As a result, one-quarter of the world’s population will perish. There will be many believers martyred in this time.

In Daniel chapter 2, the dream of the metal statue is traditionally interpreted to mean that the Antichrist empire will come out of a revived Roman Empire.

But a more recent alternative interpretation provides much evidence that the Antichrist Empire will emerge from the Middle East.

Daniel tells us that the Antichrist will have a deceptive plan to secure a seven year peace treaty with Israel.

During this 7 year period, Israel will have a third Jewish Temple. This is confirmed by Daniel 8 verse 14, which tells us that the vision concerning the daily sacrifices, and the desecration of the sanctuary, will last 2300 days, or 6 years and 4 months, before the temple is re-consecrated.

The Book of Revelation mentions no such re-consecration until Jesus returns to reign over Israel and the world.

So we can conclude that the third Jewish Temple will be completed and ready to start sacrifices around 8 months after the seven year peace treaty is established.

Midway through this 7 year period, the Antichrist will betray Israel using his power from the dragon who is the devil, desecrate the Temple, invade Jerusalem, and kill those who remain, which is why in Matthew 24, Jesus tells the Jews to flee at the sight of the Abomination of Desolation.

Alongside the Antichrist is the false prophet, known as the 2nd beast. Who will appear to be as humble as a lamb, but his words will be inspired of the Devil.

He will deceive many by doing great miracles, even causing fire to fall from Heaven, imitating the prophet Elijah.

The False Prophet will lead a project to create a speaking image of the Antichrist, which will cause those who do not worship this image to be killed.

The False Prophet will also institute a system requiring people to receive a mark on their hand or forehead in order to engage in buying or selling.

This 42 month era, dominated by the Antichrist, will be the most perilous time in human history. Many will lose their faith, particularly those who are unprepared, as they may submit to the Antichrist’s rule to protect their lives and livelihoods.

Revelation 13 tells us about a beast who has ten horns and seven heads. He is also the rider on the white horse in seal 1. He will utter proud words and blasphemies, and will wage war against God’s holy people. He will be given authority over every tribe, people and nation.

Although the Book of Revelation does not explicitly call him the Antichrist, consider these passages in the Bible, and decide for yourself whether or not they all speak of the same person.

The fourth beast of Daniel 7, who has ten horns, will speak against the most High, and oppress God’s holy people for 3 and a half years.

the King of the North in Daniel 11, who in verse 31 sets up the Abomination that causes Desolation.

The man of lawlessness of 2 Thessalonians 2 verse 3, who takes his seat in the Temple of God.

The Antichrist of 1 John 2 verse 22, who denies the Father and the Son.

After the seal judgements, seven trumpets will sound, each heralding a different cosmic disaster.

Examples are hail and blood, a mountain thrown into the sea, and a burning star falling to earth, poisoning the rivers.

When taken literally they sound like super volcanos and asteroids which certainly fit the narrative of the story line of destruction and chaos.

The trumpet events will result in severe environmental destruction. The last three trumpets are also called the three woes.

The first woe is the plague of locusts who will torment those who do not have the seal of God on their heads.

The second woe is the army of 2 million, who kill one third of the remaining population by fire, smoke and sulphur.

This could be either demonic in nature. or if literal then an army of 2 million people. Or further still could be AI robots. At this stage we cannot know for certain.

The third woe is a huge earthquake, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

The Book of revelation also describes a group of 144,000 servants of God, 12,000 from each tribe of Israel.

Nowhere does it say that this is the maximum number of believers who will be saved. Rather it describes this group as first fruits offered to God.

A farmer would understand a first fruit to literally mean early, or new fruit.

A first fruit represents something given in advance, anticipating a greater harvest to come.

So the 144,000 are most likely an initial harvest of jews saved in the Tribulation Period.

The Two Witnesses are also introduced to the story line. These are two men of God who speak prophesy throughout the three and a half year reign of the Antichrist, smiting the Earth will all manner of plagues.

Suffice to say they will be hated by all the enemies of God. But they will be a sign and a wonder to all who would repent.

They will be supernaturally protected by God throughout their ministry. Eventually, they will be killed by the Antichrist, but will be resurrected and taken up to Heaven by God, after three and a half days, causing great fear to come on those who witness this event.

After the trumpets, three angels will appear, delivering three specific messages to the world.

Following this is the great harvest, in which a large number of souls will be saved, while those who ignore the warning messages will face dire consequences, ending up in the winepress of God’s wrath.

Next come the seven bowls of God’s wrath, intensifying the suffering of those who have accepted the Mark of the Beast.

Ugly sores, all water turned to blood, scorching heat from the sun, followed by darkness. Despite the pain and torment, most will harden their hearts.

This period will culminate in a catastrophic earthquake that levels mountains and obliterates islands. Survivors of the earthquake will be crushed by 50 kilogram hailstones, roughly two to three feet in diameter.

The book of Revelation also introduces “Mystery Babylon”, described as a prostitute who rides the beast of Revelation 13, who is the Antichrist. which means This city is in partnership with the antichrist empire.

Mystery Babylon is also described as a port city who has made tradesmen rich with her opulence. The head of a false religion, linked to royalty and is very powerful.

Finally the beast turns on its rider, and destroys her with fire. Hence the warning from God, “Come out of her”. This means the antichrist will also break the partnership with this city and destroy her.

At last after the tribulation events known as Jacobs trouble.

Jesus will return, rapture the dead and rest of the saints left alive to their new resurrected bodies, then come down to earth.

These 4 verses are the only specifics about the actual timing of the rapture.

Mark 13 verses 24 to 27. “But in those days, following that distress, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.

Thessalonians 2 verses 1 to 3. “Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed”

1 Corinthians 15 verse 51 to 52. “For the trumpet shall sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”

Matthew 24 verses 29 to 31 , “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other”

He will defeat the Antichrist’s armies in the Valley of Megiddo, cast both the Antichrist and the False Prophet into the lake of fire, and imprison Satan in a bottomless pit.

Jesus will then commence His Millennial Reign over Israel, a thousand year period marked by peace and prosperity.

During this time, justice will prevail, oppression will cease, and war will be no more. People will live long, secure, and prosperous lives under Christ’s just and righteous rule.

However, at the conclusion of the thousand years, Satan will be released once more to deceive the remaining people of the Earth, leading them in a final assault on Jerusalem.

God will intervene decisively, bringing down fire from Heaven to end the rebellion.

Finally, the Day of Judgment will arrive. Then the New Jerusalem will descend from Heaven. From that moment on, God will dwell among humanity, and this divine communion will continue for all eternity.

To summarize, we should not minimize or symbolize the details of the Tribulation Period. Jesus himself called it the most distressing time mankind has or will ever know.

We also need to flee any teachings that symbolize the Millennium period, for this will be the great reward for those who stand firm in their faith throughout the Tribulation Period.

Ultimately it will not be those who know all the facts about end times who will stand firm. Rather it will be those who are strong in faith and prayer.

To quote the Apostle Paul, Put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.
