The Book Of Revelation In 4mins

A short summary of the Book of Revelation, covering the Antichrist, False Prophet, and the seal, trumpet and bowl judgements. We explain the purpose of the Tribulation Period, and end by looking at the return of Jesus and the Millennium Reign, followed by the final assault of Satan and the arrival of the New Jerusalem.

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The book of revelation in less than 4 minutes

The book of Revelation is not meant to stand alone, it should be viewed within the context of the whole Bible.

Doing this we get a broader understanding, which corrects our approach to interpreting the book.

It is an account of Johns vision which starts with 7 warning letters to the 7 churches, and then continues to describe the final seven years leading up to Jesus’s return, and then all that happens on earth afterwards.

Secondly, it describes Jesus in glory and power and how he returns in wrath to destroy His enemies.

This is very different to the “gentle Jesus meek and mild”, that we normally hear about.

Daniel reveals a third temple will be built in Israel, where Jews will resume sacrifices. Once these sacrifices begin, there will be 2,300 days until Jesus returns.

There will be a 7 year peace treaty between the Antichrist, and Israel, but he will not honour it

The Antichrist will come to power by leading a coalition of ten nations.

But soon he then invades and conquers three of these nations.

He is also referred to as the “first beast,”, and is empowered by the Devil portrayed as “the dragon”.

God permits him to carry out his plans. and is successful in everything he does.

Jesus releases this leader, by opening the first seal, which brings war and destruction to the earth.

He will focus on persecuting Jews and Christians.

At the midpoint of the seven year period, the Antichrist will break his peace treaty and will attack Israel, desecrate the temple in Jerusalem, and declare himself to be God.

Then the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments will unfold, bringing about the worst time in human history, as described by Matthew.

If we take the Bible literally, this period will include tsunamis, earthquakes, asteroids, super volcanoes. War and famine.

Many will harden their hearts against God.

Some will repent in desperation.

You wouldn’t think so, but this is a message of grace and mercy.

Without this severe tribulation, many would never repent.

This message is not often taught in church, for fear of portraying God as being devoid of mercy.

After the 7 year period, Jesus will return and defeat the Antichrist and his empire, including the false prophet, also known as the second beast.

The false prophet during this time will have implemented the mark of the beast, to control commerce.

Jesus casts the Antichrist and the false prophet into the lake of fire and will bind Satan for 1,000 years.

During the 1,000-year reign, Jesus will rule on earth in Israel, and the world will be transformed into a place of peace and prosperity. Just as the old testament describes.

This is what the Jews expect to see happen when their Messiah comes, and why they didn’t accept Jesus the 1st time as the sacrifice.

This period will give the remaining people on earth and their descendants an opportunity to see Jesus for who He truly is and choose to follow Him.

After 1,000 years, Satan will be released to test the hearts of those who remain, before the final judgment of the entire world.

When the devil and all who follow him, will be destroyed in the lake of fire.

Finally. A new heaven and earth will be created, and believers will live with Jesus forever.